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  • Writer's pictureJeff W

I Rise!

After an emotional intro from Parkland shooting survivor, Emma Gonzalez, Madonna begins her song “I Rise” with the lyrics “I’m going through it yeah I know you see the tragic in it...just hold on to the little bit of magic in it.” When this song was released as a promotional single from Madonna’s then upcoming album, “Madame X,” I was in the middle of a deep struggle with crippling anxiety. Fear dominated my life. My days were filled with panic attacks, an incredible amount of shame and embarrassment, and a sense of complete hopelessness. I remember hearing “I Rise” for the first time as I was getting ready for work on the day it was released. Now, Madonna has always been the biggest inspiration to me, not only her songs and lyrics, but her humanitarian side as well. Her stage shows and music videos have set the bar for the entire music industry. In that time of my life, a new Madonna album was one of the few things that I could look forward to. 

As I heard the Madonna sing those opening lyrics, I knew she was right. Anyone who I shared my story with could see how tragic this was. A person who seemed to always be so happy-go-lucky was now so down and paralyzed. But those lyrics “just hold on to the little bit of magic in it” spoke to my soul. Because, YES, everything happens for a reason!  The anxiety was in my life for a reason! There were things I always wanted to do but felt I couldn’t. There were negative patterns that I kept repeating. There was a lack of self esteem and self confidence that I was missing. The anxiety came into my life to put an end to that and push me outside of my comfort zone. And, boy did it! So for several months, I played that song every morning as I started my day. “Just hold on to the little bit of magic in it,” I would think to myself. I kept reassuring myself that I would come out on the other side of this better than I ever had been. And I’m well on my way! 

As my recovery journey from Anxiety continued, I wanted to become a voice to help others, to inspire others. I’ve also always had such a huge passion for Music (I even went to college studying telecommunications and public relations in hopes of finding a career in music promotion). One of the greatest joys in my life is introducing people to new music that I love, and seeing their reaction! So I came up with the idea for this website and thought “Let me put my love for music, lyrics, and promotion together with my desire to be an inspiration for others who struggle with anxiety the way that I did.” And low and behold, Tragic was born. In this blog, you can expect to find powerful, uplifting songs that speak to the life someone experiencing anxiety is living. I’m a concert fanatic, so you can hear unique stories and see pictures I have take in my most divine moments of inspiration. I will also share with you some of the resources that I used to help me on my road to recovery from anxiety. So, to start us off, I will leave you with Madonna’s song “I Rise” that started it all. Enjoy, and be sure that better days are ahead of you!

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