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  • Writer's pictureJeff W

Look For The Rainbow

"There's always been a rainbow hanging over your head." "Rainbow" by Kacey Musgraves is a really amazing song. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, it can seem as if this song was written directly for you. "When it rains, it pours," Kacey sings along with the notes of a piano playing in the background. "If you could see what I see, you'd be blinded by the colors..." This line might make you think of all the people who you come in contact with who just go about their days with ease and being "normal." This is how it should be! If you could see the world the way they see it, you could see such beautiful things. The problem is that you can become so caught up in your head thinking, or focusing on a strange feeling, which turns to fear, which turns to panic and a whole bunch of sensations. Your mind needs to slow down. Take a couple deep belly breaths, and engage with the world around you and describe what you see, hear, taste, and smell. What color is the painting on the wall? Can you feel the carpet under your feet? Do you smell the coffee in your mug?

The lyrics in this song are so true. Kacey sings "'Cause the sky is finally open, the rain and wind stopped blowing, but you're stuck out in the same old storm again, you hold tight to your umbrella, but darling I'm just trying to tell you, that there's always been rainbow hanging over your head..." She's absolutely right! The key is to truly let go. Allow the anxiety or depression to be there and accept it. "Tie up the boat, take off your coat, take a look around...everything is alright now," she sings. Indeed Kacey, indeed!

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