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  • Writer's pictureJeff W

Starting Fresh!

Hey Everyone! I'm starting fresh on Tragic Magic. I haven't put in the proper time that I have wanted to with this website, and I have many things I want to share. Originally, I created this website as a way to discuss mental health issues and encourage people who were currently where I had been. I still want to do this, but I also want to use this blog to share things that aren't related specifically to anxiety. Many things can affect your mental health: relationships, music, overall health, fitness, and much more. I am going to branch out and share things with you that are in all of these categories, and aren't just aimed at anxiety recovery.

For example, I have some new blog posts coming where I discuss articles I have created, sharing my picks of an artist's top 20 singles, or my favorite live performance by an artist, etc. I've been putting together these articles and am really excited to share them. I will also write some general posts about things that I want to share in that moment. The main purpose of this website is to still make a good impact on people, and help them discover new music, touching stories, inspirational quotes, etc., that will be a positive influence in their lives.

Take some time to revisit the last posts on this blog, and the other pages of this website until more content is added. Stay tuned! We've got more to discuss as we move into the New Year!

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